The Eleventh Station
Jesus is Nailed to the Cross by Jonathan Irwin (2011) Betrayed, broken, beaten, condemned. You suffered every indignity and then they stretched out your arms and legs and nailed you to a cross. Did...
View ArticleThe Twelfth Station
Jesus Dies on the Cross Darkness descends and it seems as though death has spoken in her finality. You died. Hung there between two thieves, but all alone. God in flesh, alone. God in flesh...
View ArticleThe Thirteenth Station
Jeus is Taken Down from the Cross I rush in my mind to Resurrection. This moment is uncomfortable You are dead and all that love you are stricken with grief. Your mother mourns. Your disciples wander...
View ArticleThe Fourteenth Station
Jesus is laid in the tomb Your lifeless, broken body was taken and placed in haste in a tomb. A large stone rolled over the entrance. We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you. Because by your holy...
View ArticleMy choice for Lent 2014: a book (p)review
The past couple of years my Lenten practice has been enriched by books from Paraclete Press. Two years ago I prayed the daily offices from the Prayer Book of the Early Christians through Lent. Last...
View ArticleRe:Lent
Ash Wednesday began and ended unceremoniously, for me. Working at 7:30 in the morning meant I couldn’t attend a church service, get ashes smeared across my forehead and have my pastor tell me, “You are...
View ArticleLent and the Job Search.
I am enough of a liturgical romantic that I expect each season of the church calender to have it’s way with me. When Advent comes I press into longings for Christ’s coming and His Kingdom. With...
View ArticleAn Inner Step Toward God: a book review and GIVEAWAY!!!
Alexander Men was a popular Russian Orthodox priest during the final decades of the USSR. Through much of his ministry career, his writings were suppressed. Before the dissolution of the Soviet Union,...
View ArticleComic-Book-Christ Dying and Rising: a graphic novel review.
I am a reader of great literature, and by that I mean comic books. I grew up reading comics and still love a great graphic novel. There is something special about artists who are able to pair...
View ArticleAsh Wednesday: Not Getting Over Our Sin
Here is a brief devotional I shared as part of our Ash Wednesday service at Safety Harbor Community Church: Most of us have had loved ones die and have felt the dull ache of their absence. They can no...
View ArticleLiving Lent With Children: a kids’ book review
Lent comes early this year, it starts on February 10th. I’m already thinking about what my Lenten practices will be, but as a father of four I haven’t always done so well on opening up Lent for my...
View ArticleGod is For Us: a Lent Review
The season of Lent starts in a week. If you are hoping to find a good Lent devotional, one of the best on the market is God For Us (Paraclete: 2013). I used it as my primary devotionals a couple of...
View ArticleThe Sour-Faced Evangelists of Lent?
It is Ash Wednesday. Today many us will attend a service to receive the imposition of ashes–a dark smudge across our foreheads. This is just the first thing imposed on us in Lent, a season of...
View ArticleGood News Lent: Baptism
It began with a baptism. Before Jesus’ forty-day fast—his wandering in the desert to be tempted by the devil—before he took the road to the Calvary, before even his earthly ministry, Jesus came from...
View ArticleGood News Lent: Wilderness Introduction
At once the Spirit sent him out into the wilderness, and he was in the wilderness forty days, being tempted by Satan. He was with the wild animals, and angels attended him. Mark 1:12-13 Are you in a...
View ArticleGood News Lent: Wilderness Temptation, Part I
I am committed to hearing Good News this Lent. In a previous post I explored some of the ‘good news’ for Jesus and us in the wilderness Jesus was where the Holy Spirit wanted Him to be, it clarified...
View ArticleQ is for Questioning (an alphabet for penitents)
Those who think they know something do not yet know as they ought to know. -1 Cor. 8:2 “What is truth?” -John 18:38 Questions are the prerequisite to the spiritual life. If you want to grow in your...
View ArticleR is for Righteousness (an alphabet for penitents)
For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven. -Matthew 5:20 For in the gospel the...
View ArticleS is for Salvation (an alphabet for penitents).
“The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” -Matthew 20:28 For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to...
View ArticleT is for Tears (an alphabet for penitents)
As he came near and saw the city, he wept over it, saying, “If you, even you, had only recognized on this day the things that make for peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes. Indeed, the days...
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